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5 Ways to Keep from Getting Stuck in a Career Rut

When it comes to making things happen, Catherine Kamping’s a seasoned pro. She’s not only the founder of the Philippine Youth Employment Network, she’s also the Strategic Partnership and Advocacy Director of Cancer Warriors Foundation, not to mention a partner and co-director of Harvest for the World. And let’s not forget her years with the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development. She truly is an inspiring modern Filipina, and so it was only fitting that she took part in the Belle de Jour Rendezvous: Rise to the Daily Grind held last February 28.

During the afternoon event, Catherine talked about some roadblocks she’s encountered in the past, such as her struggles with rheumatic heart disease as a child and an impromptu project presentation she was forced to give to an important potential client. More importantly, she discussed how these challenges motivated her to take control of her future and shared how others can do this too. Read on for her tips on how you can bring new life and direction to your career!

1. Do the math.

When faced with career uncertainties, Catherine recommended answering the question, “What do you want to achieve?” Think of your end goal and assess whether your current job will bring you closer to fulfilling that. She compared it to an equation where your goal is the sum and your job and other activities are the addends. Do they add up? If not, it may be time to make a change. In Catherine’s words, “Everything begins with a simple decision. Do you want to continue what you’re doing or start making things happen?”


2. Create your own miracle.

So you’ve decided on the path that you want to pursue. That’s the easy part—the real challenge lies in making it work out. This boils down to you and the hard work that you choose to put in. Catherine believes that “Hard work is another word for miracle,” which means that you shouldn’t idly wait for fate to intercede on your behalf. Be prepared to put in time and effort toward achieving your goals.


3. Think positive.

In her talk about fitness, Tanya Dela Cruz said, “You are your own best cheerleader.” Catherine echoed this sentiment, stressing the important of eliminating negativity and mastering your own thinking. “To make things happen, one has to overcome fear of rejection, failure, risks, and do more,” she shared. Instead of looking at challenges as potential failures, see them as opportunities for growth and learning.


4. Start engineering your future.

Got an idea that seems completely out of this world? Don’t shelve it just yet! All great innovations start with crazy ideas, because that’s what creativity is about—thinking outside the box and exploring new possibilities. “The future is a blank space. Empty. What you put there, what you envision, will engineer your future,” Catherine shared. Be an imagineer—someone who imagines new concepts and engineers it into reality.


5. Have faith.

At the end of the day, Catherine believes that, “I have my plans and aspirations, but He has far more and greater plans for me.” Sometimes you’ve done all that you can, but you’re nowhere closer to achieving the results that you want. It’s important to remember that you have God on your side. Don’t be discouraged when things fall through—it may just mean that something better is in store for you.

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