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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Try Out Dating

Dating is sort of a trial and error. You could get things right in the first try and find the man of your dreams, or you could end up meeting different kinds of men (most whom you won’t really fancy). But that’s all part of the game. Just think of it this way, how are you going to find “the one” if you don’t get out there and try? Here are five good reasons you should try out the dating game:

Photo by Kevin Dooley via Flickr

1.You need to give yourself a chance at happiness.

No, we are not saying that happiness equates to having a man in your life. You can find happiness in different way, but there is certainly a different kind of happiness that having a guy in one’s life gives. After all, getting your daily source of kilig from a special someone will always be relevant–even if you’re in your teens, 20s, or 30s. And who doesn’t wan’t a little (or a lot) of kilig in her life right? It’s human nature after all. We will all wan’t to feel special to someone at some point of our lives. But how are you going to be if your potential guy doesn’t even know you exist? You have got to get out of your shell and grab the chance at happiness.

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2. You get to meet more people.

So you finally decide to get out there and start your search for “the one.” You might find him immediately, or you might have to meet get to know many others first before you discovering your Mr. Right. But don’t be sad and lose hope. Some of those many others may turn out to be life-long friends! Things don’t always work out romantically when it comes to dating, but it just might mean that you guys are cut out for something else. So don’t give up and just keep trying!

GIF from 30 Rock via Giphy

3. You get to try new things with someone.

Yes, you can always try that new restaurant in BGC by yourself. But wouldn’t it be more fun or thrilling to try it out with someone else? You’ll also get to know each other more in the process. You can compare views and experiences with each other. Admit it, its always interesting to know what a guy has to think about something.

GIF from Monte Carlo via Giphy

4. You get to learn new things.

It’s always exciting to see the world from a fresh perspective, and dating will allow you to do that. You get to learn more about your date’s industry and places he’s been to. If he has certain hobbies, you get to understand how interesting they could be. In the same way, he also gets to learn from you. This is one of the ways dating could be fun. Learning new things can always be fun, especially if its connected to someone you like or someone you’re interested in.

GIF via Giphy

5. You are giving yourself the chance to find forever with someone.

Contrary to what they say, may forever. You just have to find the right person to spend forever with. This is simply the whole point of dating and the most important reason you should give dating a try. You deserve that forever. You deserve that happily ever after. You deserve to wake up in the morning with the one you love most next to you. How on earth is that going to happen if you don’t get out of your comfort zone and give finding him a chance?

GIF from Kourtney and Kim Take New York via Giphy

Dating has its ups and downs and its own set of pros and cons. You may find friends along the way but you will also find heart break. As we said earlier, it isn’t easy. But that shouldn’t stop you. Don’t be afraid to take that step.

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