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5 Things Every Bride-to-Be Should Prepare For

So, you’ve recently gotten engaged. Congratulations and welcome to the world of crazy wedding planning! It’s a one-of-a-kind experience that will test your patience, love, and budget. Here are some of the things every bride-to-be should expect before, during, and after the wedding.

Screencap from Gossip Girl courtesy of Warner Bros. Television

1. Unexpected guests

Even if you sent out invitations that specifically says how many guests is expected from that side of the family, you will get unexpected guests. Sometimes, those guests can be courteous enough to inform you ahead of time. But most often, they’ll just show up and expect that you’ll be too ashamed to turn them away.

GIF from Gossip Girl via Giphy

2. Fights with Your fiance

Be prepared to disagree more often with your beau. You get to know more about your fiance during this time of your lives. His wedding decisions and choices will speak so much about him–and it might not be what you were expecting. Add to that the enormous stress and pressure both of you will be experiencing. So, it’s no wonder that a simple disagreement on an invitation design could lead into a full-blown fight. However, look at it as an opportunity to learn how you will handle tough situations as a married couple. We all know marriage takes a lot of work, so it’s not that surprising it’ll start during the wedding planning.

Photo from The Proposal via Giphy

3. Your family (yours and his) will want to have their say (one way or another)

Let’s say that you and your fiance have saved up for the wedding. You won’t be needing money from both your parents. Your expectation is that you get to call all the shots, right? Wrong. One way or another, your parents or your relatives (and sometimes, even your parents’ friends) will share their opinion about your wedding. And the problem with this opinion is that it’s something that you have to seriously consider–even if it’s something that you don’t even want. When this happens, remember that your families just want the best for your wedding day. Aside from that, you can always calmly explain why you won’t be using their suggestions.

Photo from Parks and Recreation via Giphy

4. There are good suppliers, and there are bad suppliers.

When you start planning your wedding, you’ll learn that there are lots of options. Actually, there are TOO many choices. Sometimes, it’s just overwhelming. But what you have to be prepared for is to find out which ones are good and bad. When finding a supplier, you have to know the quality of service they provide. Aside from asking for their price, ask for referrals. Look them up in wedding forums. Find out comments about them from their former clients. You have to be able to weed out the bad ones. They’re going to be responsible for one of the best days in your life. Ultimately, it is important to know which are the ones you can trust.

Photo from New Girl via Giphy

5. No wedding is perfect.

There will be slip-ups, and yours could be in a form of a drunk uncle or delayed flower delivery. It won’t be perfect. But that’s okay. Everything will be fine. You have a lot of people helping you make your wedding day perfect–your family, friends, and wedding suppliers. So, you can relax. If something goes wrong, don’t worry too much about it. In a few years, you’ll look back and find that at least you got an interesting story out of that slip-up.

Photo from Words to Live By by Anna Kendrick via Giphy
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