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To that Girl Who’s Scared of Commitment: Love Will Always Win

So love has knocked on your door.

Image from Notting Hill from Universal Pictures

For months, you’ve battled with emotions as you analyzed his intentions. Uncertainties were aplenty: were the feelings between you mutual? Did he like you romantically or were you simply just a friend? There were so many questions you needed answers to.

Until one day, he finally said it.

“I love you.”

Sure, it was a joyful moment. He likes you and you like him. He’s made it clear that he wants to be with you. Despite your flaws, this guy still considers you an A+ girl worthy of his attention. There’s no mistaking: he desires a serious relationship and he wants one with you.

You look into his eyes and you realize that you want the same thing. There’s nothing in this world that can make you happier than being with him. But one thing stops you…

Your fears.

The sudden scare stems from various reasons. Probably, it’s your first time diving into this sort of thing. You don’t know the first thing about relationships. What if you mess up? Relationships aren’t always about unicorns and sunshine — there’s bound to be conflict. Because you’re both different, screaming matches will definitely happen and that’s the last thing you want.

Or maybe, you’re a victim of a failed relationship. Once you got over that messy breakup, you swore to yourself that you’d never get involved again. You don’t want a replay of all the fights, the tears, and the heartbreak.

Now that another potential for love presented itself, hesitations cloud your mind. Investing emotions is never easy, but it’s one important factor in relationships. While you want to just jump in, the future is scary. There are plenty of what-ifs that stop you and the biggest of them all is this: what if it ends?

Can I tell you something?

Stop worrying.

Commitment is never easy and it never will be. Yes, there will be fights and tears. Yes, you will hate him and regret someday. But, if you let your fear stop you, you will never realize the joys that come with loving someone. You will miss out on a lot.

Relationships are God’s gifts to us. After all, we are social beings in need of others. You can try to run away, but you can never escape the fact that you need someone else. Love will always be there wherever you go.

So, let go of all your worries. Committing to someone is a beautiful thing — it gives you the opportunity to know someone better and promise to be with him no matter what. It’s an adventure of a lifetime you wouldn’t want to miss.

Through the good or the bad, love will always win. You’ll see.

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