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5 Things You Should Do to Have a Positive 2016

5 Things You Should Do to Have a Positive 2016

Happy New Year, Modern Filipinas! Here’s to anotehr year filled with opportunities to grow, to learn, and to live life to the fullest. What better way to begin a new year than with a good dose of positive vibes, right?

Of course, being positive is not easy. We can’t control the things that happen to us, but we can control how we react. The more we hold onto our grudges, the more we rob ourselves of joy. So the next time you get cranky, follow these simple life hacks that will make you look at the brighter side of live. Here are five things you should do to have a positive year:

1. Forgive

Forgive not only those who have wronged you but also yourself. Sometimes it takes years to learn from our mistakes, so it’s always best to view them as lessons and opportunity to change, grow and find joy and contentment in life.

GIF from The Hills via Giphy

2. Stop dwelling on the past.

Shift your focus on what you can do today rather than feeling bitter about the past. The more you focus on solutions, the less you will feel the sense of powerlessness rooted from the pain. Seek to learn and grow from these bad experiences and refuse to be broken by them.

GIF from The Lion King via Giphy

3. Visualize your future.

Instead of plotting how to get even with your ex after he dumped you, focus your energy on making a plan to regain what was taken from you. Stop playing the victim and allow yourself be beaten by people who are not worthy of your time. This is the right time to develop new goals that will help you rebuild your future.

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Image from Kaboompics

4. Keep your hopes up.

No matter how many curve balls life sends you, trust and believe and have a positive attitude. Control how you respond to whatever life throws you, and focus your energies on the the bright side of live. Never lose hope. Attitude is everything!

GIF from Miracle on 34th Street via Giphy

5. Count your blessings.

There will be no room for negativity and bitterness when we focus our thoughts and energies on the things that we have to be grateful for. Make obstacles work for you. Sometimes our greatest problem can lead to our greatest blessings.

Image from Kaboompics
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