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#APEChotties: 5 Reasons We Love Justin Trudeau

#APEChotties: 5 Reasons We Love Justin Trudeau

We’re totally smitten with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau! After all, this #APEChottie is a welcome diversion to the traffic that we had to endure the past few days.

Just look at him hard at work:


person holding phone

reading documents

Here are five reasons we’re head over heels in love with him! (P.S. Canada, you are super lucky!)

1. He’s a geek!

geek hand sign

He attended a comic con for crying out loud! Seriously, ho awesome is that?

comic con event

And he knows how to share his geekdom with his kids!

costume with kids

2. Speaking of kids…

greeting a kid

He loves them!

highfive with kids

Look at him being a super adorable dad to his kids.

family time

3. He loves the great outdoors.

outdoor view

outside bonding

family boat

See Also

4. And he’s super fit.

boxing ring

5. He’s also a dedicated husband! Awww, just look at him here gazing lovingly at his wife.

couple photo

We’d give everything to be in her shoes.

couple pose

Like, serious relationship goals.

bowl of food

Is this tru love?

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