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Glued to the Tube: Six Signs You’re Watching Too Much TV

Glued to the Tube: Six Signs You’re Watching Too Much TV

Everybody loves spending a night watching TV. It’s fun and relaxing, and it gives you something to talk about with friends. But sometimes, watching too much television can get out of hand. When you dedicate most of your time in front of the tube, you just might face some nasty consequences. Here are six signs that say you’re watching too much TV.

You Cancel Plans for a TV Show

Ditching plans is not cool, and ditching them for TV is just bad. When you cancel dinner with a relative or friend because of that new show on Netflix, you’re taking television too much. Doing this repeatedly will just put your risk social life and personal interests at risk. Put the remote down, get your ass off the couch, and head to that meeting, pronto!

Garfield GIF via Giphy
Garfield GIF via Giphy

You Associate TV Scenes and Characters to Everyday Life

It’s okay to associate an occasion to, let’s say, Chandler and Monica’s wedding, but comparing real from reel on a daily basis is just too much. When you start seeing your friends as Game of Thrones characters, please take a break from the tube. Acting like a character from Breaking Bad while you’re in the office isn’t healthy, too.

Portlandia GIF via Giphy
Portlandia GIF via Giphy

You Lack Sleep Because of TV

The bags under your eyes are not because of hard work – they’re because of staying up late watching The Walking Dead. Too much TV time can totally mess up your sleep cycle because instead of calming you down, the glow of the screen keeps you awake. Stop saying “just one more episode” when it’s already 2am and you have to go to work in a few hours. Soon enough, you might just look like a character from TWD.

Fight Club GIF via Giphy
Fight Club GIF via Giphy

You Start and End Your Day with TV

TV addiction is a real thing. It’s a sign that you’re watching too much television when it’s the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night. Skip the tube and make time for a cup of coffee or a good book to tuck you in. Apart from giving actual comfort, personal activities that aren’t TV related will make you feel better about yourself.

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Amanda Seyfried GIF via Tumblr
Amanda Seyfried GIF via Tumblr

You Splurge on DVDs and Netflix Subscriptions

When a huge portion of your salary goes to television, you might need to reconsider your budget and your television habits. Blu-rays are costly, and online streaming services such as iflix and Netflix require monthly subscriptions. There’s nothing wrong if you splurge on entertainment once or twice, but blowing finances for TV is not practical.

The Simpsons GIF via Giphy
The Simpsons GIF via Giphy

Your Non-TV Hobbies are Lacking

Just like every fanatic, I also obsess over TV characters and occasionally binge in front of the tube. But, watching television should not be your only personal hobby. Remember that it is important to balance your interests with fiction and reality. Make sure that you create your own life outside the couch by starting a new hobby like biking, cooking or photography.

Amy Schumer GIF via Giphy
Amy Schumer GIF via Giphy

There is nothing wrong with watching TV, but don’t let it control your life. If you think you’re already hooked, learn how to put the remote down by dedicating time for more important things. Take a break from it all and enjoy the goodness of reality.

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