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Good Hair Days Powered by Nature

Good Hair Days Powered by Nature

woman wearing a flower crown

Gone are the days when we depended on just processed chemicals to bring life to our hair. Now you can go enjoy healthier hair by combining nature with science.

As someone who struggled with dry and thinning hair, I’m all for any product that works. But I’m also more mindful of the ingredients. Recently, I read an article that said our hair is organic, so it needs nourishment the same way our bodies need to stay vibrant: natural. And I couldn’t agree more.

Some may be undecided about choosing products with organic or natural ingredients. And I understand because their concerns used to be like mine: “Don’t natural ingredients just dry your hair?” “Natural products take too long to take effect,” and the good old “I want obvious results.”

Girl, here’s how Mother Nature can give you better hair days with oils and balms.

A Hair Care Tip for Dry, Thinning Hair

woman with wavy hair
Why trust chemicals with your hair when Mother Nature has your back. Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

Natural hair care products are rich in antioxidants.

These rid your hair of free radicals, which often cause dryness, thinning, and other hair issues. When used regularly, you can enjoy longer and fuller hair! Another bonus: natural hair products are mild no matter how long you use them.

Natural hair care products also have organic components that reduce the aging of your hair. These ingredients can strengthen the thickness of your hair, as well as help your locks last longer.

Choosing Hair Care Products Powered by Nature

It’s best to stay simple and natural with your hair care. Photo by Wesner Rodrigues from Pexels

If you’re not careful with the products you choose, it could suffocate your hair. Best to stay simple with your hair care routine, sis.

Start by reading the label of a hair care product first and seeing if it contains fortified ingredients from nature.

Go for hair products that use natural oils and balms, such as the following:

  • Sunflower seed oil. This ingredient contains oleic acid, which strengthens hair, preventing hair breakage. Sunflower oil is also rich in sesame oil and vitamin E, which are both antioxidants that can neutralize hair- and scalp-damaging free radicals. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help manage dandruff and relieve an itchy scalp.
  • Shea balm. Rich in vitamins A and E and essential fatty acids, shea balm has healing and emollient properties for the skin. The fatty acids, in particular, add moisture to your hair, as well as possibly prevent split ends. Shea butter also has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce scalp irritation and redness by healing the scalp without clogging the pores.
  • Damascena rose oil. This flower extract doubles as an excellent astringent, which creates a fresher scalp surface. Similar to shea balm, rose oil is rich in vitamins that act as an emollient. It treats scalp irritation and broken skin, among others.
woman in a green dress
Hair is delicate, so it deserves equally delicate ingredients to make it look magnetic. Photo by George Gvasalia on Unsplash

Right now, I’m a big fan of Creamsilk’s new Rich Organic Powerfusion Ultra Conditioner Line, which is fortified with potent conditioning and natural ingredients.

The line has two variants:

  • Rich Lustre Ultra Conditioner. Adds glow and shine to dull-looking hair with bamboo and aloe extracts, cinnamon leaf oils, and almond nut balm.
  • Rich Moisture Ultra Conditioner. With rose oil, shea balm, honeysuckle, and hibiscus, this conditioner is perfect for dry and coarse hair.
creamsilk rise_ashleypetallano.modernfilipina
I am ready for a better year for my hair, at least. Image from the Author

Both conditioners are made with sunflower seed oil, which penetrates the hair and nourishes it from within. Apart from sunflower oil, each product is rich in potent organic and natural ingredients and is combined with Cream Silk’s trademark rich conditioning formula.

I’ve been using it for a month — both conditioners alternately — and honestly love the results. It doesn’t guarantee an instant change, though. You’ll have to use it regularly to enjoy naturally luscious locks.

Don’t settle for just any product for your crowning glory.

Restore your hair’s health by choosing products that unify the innovation of advanced conditioning technology and the potency of ingredients from nature.

Unlock the full power of nature with Cream Silk Rich Organic Powerfusion that combines Cream Silk’s advanced conditioning potency infused with luxurious natural oils and rich organic balms for naturally luscious and moisturized hair.

It’s time to treat your hair better, and at the same time, achieve the gorgeous results you’ve always wanted.

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