Ashley is an awkward potato in love with words, Kpop,…

One of the best things about relationships is the constant presence of that special someone. After a hard day’s work, you time-out and immediately rush into the waiting arms of your babe, boo, honey, bae, or your pag-ibig magpakailanman peksman.
There’s nothing wrong with being clingy with your significant other. Whether it’s skinship or a simple text every now and then, wanting to just be closer to him is natural.
But like anything else in life, too much of it can get annoying.
It’s great to have someone who is crazy about you, but when your boyfriend becomes too clingy, the relationship becomes more of a burden. If you think your significant other clings too much, but aren’t sure about it, here are some tell-tale signs (and what to do about it):
He Doesn’t’ Have His Own Life

Clingy significant others have a life; unfortunately, 90% of his so-called life revolves around you, 24/7. While you’re out with friends, he’s at home constantly texting or calling you. In some cases, clingy boyfriends pop in your office all of a sudden. His reason?
“I just wanted to check up on you and say ‘Hi.’”
Relationships include two people with separate lives; it’s a fact your boyfriend should know. He should still have a life outside of you. If he feels secure with the relationship and develop interests without you, expect a healthier relationship.
Help your partner realize that you aren’t his only source of happiness; otherwise, he’ll get fed up in the long run.
He Gets Upset When You Go Out

Does your boyfriend frown whenever you tell him you’re going out with friends? He’s definitely a clingy man who’s not happy with your decision. He’ll start with a pout and say, “But I wanted you to stay with me.” In other occasions, he might even start a fight about it, insisting you’ll flirt with other guys or you don’t love him as much.
Clingy boyfriends don’t like it when you don’t spend time with them. When you do make time for them, it’s never enough.
This type of behavior is unacceptable. Love doesn’t mean dictating each other’s lives; it’s about trust and respect. He has no right to stop you from going out. Talk to him about it and let him know that both of you have the right to spend time with family and friends.

Clingy boyfriends are cute, but sometimes, it pays to draw the line. It’s a sign of insecurity that affects both of you. If the clinginess is too much, encourage your partner to seek help; otherwise, his attachment issues might sabotage the relationship.
But if he gets over his insecurity, expect the relationship to be in full bloom soon.
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Ashley is an awkward potato in love with words, Kpop, and corgis. She spends her free time dancing like one of those balloon things you see in malls.
Clingy boyfriends are cute, but sometimes, it pays to draw the line. It’s a sign of insecurity that affects both of you. If the clinginess is too much, encourage your partner to seek help; otherwise, his attachment issues might sabotage the relationship.