This little miss believes that the world is too big…
There are certain foods that we’ve grown to hate. We weren’t big fans of green, leafy vegetables. They didn’t have the salty tang of MSG that we have been all accustomed to. We love all the fake flavors of processed and junk food, that we have come to regard the unprocessed ones as simply bland.

But the thing is, we might be missing out on major vitamins and nutrients that our bodies desperately need, so we need to get over our aversions to certain foods ASAP. Here are 10 supposedly icky foods that are actually good for us:
1. Brussels Sprouts
These mini cabbages are often left rolling around the dinner plate. It’s easy to hate them because of their bitter taste, odd texture, and the vague aroma that reminds us of feet. However, these sprouts are high in vitamins C and K as well as glucosinates and indole, which protect against some forms of cancer.

2. Broccoli
These much abused “mini-trees” contain nutrients like any leafy green vegetables such as folate, vitamins A, C and K, and calcium. Broccoli is high in sulforaphane, an antioxidant that could prevent cancer.

3. Beets
Many of us don’t pay much attention to this red root vegetable. Recent study also claims that beets can help lower blood pressure, so make sure you make it a salad staple from now on.

4. Liver
Not everyone might be fan of liver, given it’s weird texture and bitter taste. However, it’s a great source of iron, as well as vitamins A, B, and zinc.

5. Spinach
Unlike Popeye, spinach may not be everyone’s top choice, partly because of its soggy metal-like taste which makes it slightly bitter due to its high iron content. But the thing is, iron helps produce the red blood cells that are responsible for keeping oxygen flowing around our body. Spinach is also a good source of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and bone health.

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This little miss believes that the world is too big to stay in just one place and that life is too short to do just one thing. An ENFJ daydreamer and conqueror whose passion is to motivate and inspire people around her. She is a personality development advocate and a counselor/life coach-in-the making who has also passion for writing.