Stef writes digital content for a living and listens to…
Belle de Jour just celebrated its 10th amazing year and we can’t help but exclaim, “Whoa! 10 years already?!” We’re pretty sure all the Bellas who were there at the SM MOA Music Hall are still hung over from the event (us included!), so while we’re in the spirit of reminiscing, it makes sense to also look at tomorrow and think about to live life to the fullest.

This one goes to all the Bellas out there: How do you share your spark? Here are tips you can follow based on the talks by Jaymie Pizzaro, RJ Ledesma, and Jen Santos, among others.
1. ‘Tis the Season for Giving
Christmas Day is only few winks away, and as a way of thanking the year for being so nice to us, it would be great if we could share our spark by paying it forward–a little kindness goes a long way. Hold a gift-giving activity for kids, volunteer, compliment a colleague. It’s up to you to define how you want to “give back.”

2. Scare yourself.
Jaymie Pizzaro, aka The Bull Runner, invited everyone to dare to do the impossible and do something challenging. Try running today and commit to the habit. And while we’re discussing doing new things, it feels good to do things out of the ordinary, like convincing your colleagues to do a Grand Pakain for the street children before Christmas vacation.

3. Infect your friends.
To grow into a new sport or hobby, Jaymie said to look for friends who are just as willing to do it. This way, you are sharing your time and yourself. “Running is a gift; do it because you love yourself,” she shares. Besides, every new good thing is always best shared with a friend, right?

4. Make things happen.
It’s always easier said than done, but as RJ Ledesma said, “once you have developed a unique vision of what you want to do, you’re already one step ahead.” Not ready to commit to an environmental advocacy program yet? Attend one of the briefing sessions and see if it’s something you can do on a regular basis.

5. Be ready to accept failure, but fail forward.
RJ said that “failure is your greatest teacher, and the best thing you can do about it is to learn from it.” That’s at failing forward is all about–you’re open to making mistakes, but you take note of the things that you should avoid so you won’t make the same mistake next time. Was your project rejected? Did you hit snooze on the alarm clock for the eigth time? Take it easy and convince yourself to try again tomorrow.

If you ask us, these lessons are some of the best take-homes that we got from the BDJ Fair. These life hacks that really stick to the mind and through the heart that enable us to share our spark.
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Stef writes digital content for a living and listens to other people's stories to live. She likes matcha, puns, and long walks. Say hello at