A masterpiece in progress; strong, independent, effervescent, kick-ass woman.
Can you believe 2015 is about to draw to a close? Time just goes by so fast, and we can’t help but look at the year that was and reflect on all the life lessons we’ve learned in 2015. Here are five of them:

1. We all have something to be thankful for.
We’ve all had our own share of challenges this year, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have anything to be thankful for: your job, your loved ones, the long New Year break that you’ll be enjoying starting tomorrow, etc. Spend a few minutes each day appreciating all your blessings.

2. Patience is a virtue.
It’s deceivingly easy to just give up and throw in the towel when the going gets tough, but this year, we learned to just stick it out and be more patient, whether we’re stuck in traffic or waiting for that big promotion.

3. Social media could be a blessing or a curse.
Social media is powerful enough to shake the whole word, but not everything we read on Facebook is true. We learned to be more cautious when re-posting and re-tweeting unverified reports. We also learned to refrain from posting things that we’ll just regret posting later.

4. We learned that we can be more confident.
We have learned to accept our strengths and weaknesses, and we have learned to be more confident in our own skin. Our social media feeds may be filled with posts about our friends’ accomplishments, we also celebrated our own milestones and learned to feel good about ourselves.

5. We became stronger.
We all went through ups and downs this year. We had to face our own challenges, and we managed to be strong in the face of adversity. We learned to smile despite the heartache, to go on despite the uncertainty, and to try again despite our failures. We can’t wait for what 2016 has to offer!