Bemjo is constantly mistaken for a boy because of her…
2016 is fast approaching, and it’s time to whip out your planners and start making those New Year’s Resolutions.

Now, we’ve all been there, writing down plans to exercise more, eat healthier, lose weight, save money, or maybe even–gasp–get a boyfriend. But don’t you think it’s time to shake that list up a bit?

Whether you’re a single girl enjoying every blissful second of freedom, or a single girl hoping that this will be the year you get to change your Facebook relationship status, these 5 New Year’s Resolutions can help you make the most out of 2016.
1. “I promise to make an effort to meet people who share my interests.”
Love animals? Volunteer at PAWS. Thinking of writing the next great Philippine novel? Join NaNoWriMo and actually show up at the local Manila meet-ups. And no, don’t just do it because you want to meet a potential S.O. This is your chance to meet new people and learn new things, all while doing what you love best.

2. “I promise to smile and to say hi to my crush whenever I see him.”
Remember what they told you at work about setting goals? Keep them S.M.A.R.T.!
- Specific: move your facial muscles and utter a one-syllable word toward a specific person
- Measurable: the number of times you and your crush bumped into each other versus number of times you actually smiled and said hi
- Achievable: unless you are physically incapable of smiling, that is
- Realistic: definitely more realistic than your constant daydreams of him suddenly professing his love to you with a mariachi band in the office lobby
- Timely: it has to be done within the split second that you two lock eyes
Yup, you can do it!

3. “I promise to approach people whenever I’m genuinely interested in them or in what they’re doing.”
We’ve all had that moment: you see a complete stranger on the MRT playing your favorite game, wearing a T-shirt with a quote from your favorite book, or watching your favorite TV show on their phone. And admit it, you were dying to talk to them about it, but you just couldn’t. Well, maybe, this year you might want to try it, even just once. A friendly “Hi! I really love that show, too!” will do–don’t start fangirling and risk being reported to the nearest security guard.
Who knows, they might just be your next best friend (or even future life partner, who knows?).

4. “I promise to cultivate my values and not compromise them for anyone.”
Figure out what really matters to you. Is it equal access to education? Feminism? LGBT rights? Fighting socioeconomic inequality? Maybe all of the above? Don’t think about whether your passion for what you believe in might scare off potential S.O.s (if it does scare them, then they weren’t good enough for you in the first place.)
Start with your values, and the rest will follow.

5. “I promise to be still be awesome on December 31, 2016, no matter what my relationship status is.”
We’re looking forward to seeing a more magnificent you this 2016. Cheers!

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Bemjo is constantly mistaken for a boy because of her name, but she is most definitely a girl. She enjoys coloring, being around dogs, and binge-watching TV shows. She currently works as a material developer for an ESL company.