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Celebrate 2020 by Venturing Out in Metro Manila

Celebrate 2020 by Venturing Out in Metro Manila

There is a palpable buzz in the air. As the 2010s come to a close, many are itching to celebrate. From grand family reunions to intimate gatherings with friends, people around the world are planning how to meet 2020 with a bang.

In the Philippines, it’s common to ring in the New Year with bright and loud fireworks at home. But the growing number of fireworks-related accidents and new government directives have forced Filipinos to find other ways to celebrate NYE.

Here’s a list of places you can visit to usher in 2020.

Party in Style at a Five-Star Hotel

Get dressed to the nines and celebrate at a five-star hotel
Photo by Inga Seliverstova on Pexels

Filipinos have taken to spending NYE at five-star hotels across the Metro. Instead of working themselves ragged on the last day of the year, families are choosing to check into a hotel to ring in the New Year.

It’s difficult to find a hotel that won’t have a party on NYE. These establishments usually have a whole night of activities planned for guests. From exclusive musical performances to a grand fireworks display, a hotel is a perfect place to get into the celebratory mood.

Treat yourself and your family by checking in early so you have time to get pampered before the party begins.

Take in a Show at a Nearby Mall

Malls have evolved from simple retail centers. These commercial establishments act more like mixed-use developments.

Expect to see plenty of families and groups of friends at different malls this NYE. Join in on their fun by taking your loved ones to the mall on the 31st. Take in a movie from one of this year’s Metro Manila Film Festival’s entries. Indulge in some delicious food in any of the restaurants that call the mall home. Revel in the beautiful fireworks displays mall officials have planned for the public.

Be one with the crowd when you ring in 2020 at your favorite mall.

Celebrate with the Rest of the City

Nothing brings a community together than a festive affair
Photo by Wendy Wei on Pexels

If a hotel or a mall are too impersonal for your tastes, you can always choose to celebrate the New Year with your community.

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More cities and barangays have taken to holding their own NYE celebrations. Just like commercial centers, these parties are filled with music, food, and drinks. But unlike the other options, these local parties are attended by people in your community. Dance the night away with neighbors. Share food and get tipsy with the people you grew up with.

Party the night away with familiar faces and finish off the night with a small get-together at your house.

Have Fun, but Keep Safe

No matter how you want to celebrate the start of a new decade, keep the following in mind:

  1. If you’re going to a public place, be alert of your surroundings
  2. Don’t leave your valuables just anywhere
  3. Keep a close watch on young children, especially if they’re prone to wandering off
  4. Bring a power bank and keep extra cash in your pocket
  5. Have an emergency plan in place in case you and your companions get separated

Have fun and see you in the next year!

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