Stef writes digital content for a living and listens to…
Ask those who are in a relationship about how happy they will be this holiday season, and I bet there are some who will always say that Christmas is better when shared with her significant other, but for many girls out there who are young and free (*cough* single) or love coffee (*cough* bitter), you’ll get as many banats or retorts.

But let’s give it to the single ladies for now, and celebrate these reasons they can have more fun this holiday season sans the beau:
1. You’re a girl! Of course you know how to have fun!
Fact: Girls are known to have different ways of interpreting “fun” compared to guys, so use it to your advantage and create as many Instagram-mable memories as you can.

2. You can go all out and #PartyPaMore!
Hello to saying yes to as many invites as your six-inch heels can handle. Never mind the hangover; there won’t be someone to answer to in the morning. And did we mention that you won’t be paying for two for drinks at the club strips you’ll be hitting with your girls?

3. Imagine the big, big savings you’ll have by the end of the year.
You can forget about spending for gifts for his family because they don’t exist yet. Your family or godchildren will definitely get the lion’s share of your Christmas bonus–lucky them!

4. You have more time for family and friends
If there are people in life who you need to stick around forever, it’s them. You’ll be able to focus on how to help them out and make them happy this holiday season.

5. Lesser hassle
Having one less person to look out for is already a big burden off your shoulder. Imagine paying less for transportation, buffet meals (yes, buffet!), overnight trips, movie tickets, and more. You can dress any way you prefer, and you don’t have to feel obliged about giving your significant other (SO) daily blow-by-blow updates, nor think about cutting down on the carbs because it’s No-shape December, baby.

Single ladies, your relationship status doesn’t define you and shouldn’t break your holiday season. Trust us when we say we care more about the meals we’re not going to eat, only because we simply cannot shove anything down our throats anymore.
Make your 2015 holiday count not because of a relationship status, but because it’s yours to celebrate, however you want to.
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Stef writes digital content for a living and listens to other people's stories to live. She likes matcha, puns, and long walks. Say hello at