Bemjo is constantly mistaken for a boy because of her…
How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions so far? Or maybe you haven’t gotten around to making your own list? Don’t fear — it’s only January, and it’s never too late to embark on some resolutions for a happier you this 2016. Here are five mantras for a more positive you:

1. I promise to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Your body is closely related to your happiness. After all, it’s what enables you to do the things you enjoy. A diet of junk food and fast food can make you sluggish and lethargic and can even lead to–gasp!–breakouts! Now, that can bring anyone down. Do your body and mind a favor and try to include more fruits and veggies in your meals. A banana at breakfast or sliced apples instead of chips can be a good step. Do a grocery run during your lunch break, and grab some cucumber or lettuce, and whip up a quick salad to go with your baon.

2. I promise to drink more water.
Hydration = happiness. Researchers have discovered that even just being mildly dehydrated can take a toll on your mood, so keep that water bottle handy at all times! Plus, drinking lots of water can keep your skin and hair healthier, which can give you an additional confidence boost.

3. I promise to list down the things I am grateful for each day.
When you think hard enough, even your worst day ever also had little rays of sunshine. It’s easy for the bad things to overshadow the good ones, but don’t let them slip past you unnoticed. A good practice to try this year would be to keep a gratitude journal, where you can list down at least two-three things you are grateful for every night. It’ll make you more mindful of the things you’ve probably taken for granted, and it’s the perfect way to end the day.

4. I promise to keep in touch with my family regularly.
One of the things that most happy people have in common is a strong support system. This 2016, make it a habit to regularly call up your mom, dad, siblings, aunts, uncles, and the rest of the family. And don’t just say hello and goodbye: find time to meet up with them, share photos, or send them a handwritten letter. Ask for advice. Knowing that there are lots of wonderful people who have your back can help you through tough times. (P.S. It wouldn’t hurt to get in touch with old friends, too!)

5. I promise to be kind to myself.
Made a mistake in your presentation earlier? Missed a deadline? Stop cursing at yourself in your mind. You wouldn’t shout at your best friend for doing the same, would you? Acknowledge your mistake, take concrete steps to prevent it again or control the damage, and accept that it’s okay not to be perfect all the time. The sooner you realize this, the happier you can be.

So, what are you waiting for? January might be ending soon, but you’ve still got 11 more months to make 2016 your happiest year yet!
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Bemjo is constantly mistaken for a boy because of her name, but she is most definitely a girl. She enjoys coloring, being around dogs, and binge-watching TV shows. She currently works as a material developer for an ESL company.