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5 Apps to Help You Drive Insomnia Away

5 Apps to Help You Drive Insomnia Away

It’s midnight and you’re about to hit the sack. Problem is, your heavy workload tomorrow is keeping you from closing your eyes and going to dreamland. The result? You slept for four hours, woke up late, and went to work feeling ill and more unproductive than ever.

Such are the usual scenarios when you don’t get enough sleep. The good thing is that there are certain apps that can help drive your sleeplessness away. Here are five apps you can use to help you catch some ZZZs:

Image by Alyssa L. Miller via Flickr
Image by Alyssa L. Miller via Flickr

1. SleepBot

Although it is mainly useful for waking people up, it can also help you get better sleep in the long run. It tracks your sleeping and waking habits, giving you an idea of the times you’ll most likely have longer and better sleep. Bonus: It records your sounds and movements so you’ll know if you have sleeping problems.

Another thing to love about SleepBot is its user-friendly feature. All you have to do is set the alarm and this app will do the rest. This device is available on the App Store and Google Play.

Image of SleepBot from Google Play
Image of SleepBot from Google Play

2. Relax Melodies

Are your favorite songs keeping you from getting quality sleep? If so, you should probably substitute them for Relax Melodies’s sleep-inducing tunes.

This smart app lets you hear relaxing melodies that would put all your thoughts to rest. You may also listen to the tunes simultaneously for better results. This tech is available for iPhone and Android users.

Screenshot for Relax Melodies
Screenshot for Relax Melodies

3. Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep

Seeing and hearing nature is one way of putting people in a relaxed and sleepy state. It is exactly what Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep has in store for you. It lets you listen in the calming sounds of nature. Combined with a nice background, you’ll be in for a soothing slumber.

This app is available for Android devices.

Image of Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep from Google Play
Image of Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep from Google Play

4. Sleepmaker Rain

Some people sleep better when they hear the sound of rain. That’s the premise of Sleepmaker Rain, an app that features sounds of raindrops at varying states. Whether you feel sleepy from the sound of the rain inside a car or heavy rain against the windows, this tech can give you all that and more.

See Also
woman splashing ocean water

Get this app on your Android or iPhone device.

Screenshot of Sleepmaker Rain
Screenshot of Sleepmaker Rain

5. Deep Sleep and Relaxation Hypnosis

If you easily fall sleep to soft voices dictating you to do so, then Deep Sleep and Relaxation Hypnosis just might work for you. This app’s hypnosis techniques combines beautiful sound effects, music and visuals to give you the shut-eye.

Enjoy quality sleep with this app on your Android or iOS device.

Screenshot of Deep Sleep and Relaxation Hypnosis
Screenshot of Deep Sleep and Relaxation Hypnosis

It’s hard to sleep when you have many things in your mind. It’s also equally harder to do so when you count sheep or think hard of falling asleep. With the help of these apps, however, you can have the beauty sleep you need.

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