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Nadine Lustre Is Giving Us Serious Food Envy on Instagram

Nadine Lustre Is Giving Us Serious Food Envy on Instagram

Thinking of skipping breakfast or lunch this morning? We just have the antidote to kill that bad habit: look for Nadine Lustre on Instagram. Trust us, her food posts are going to make you hungry in an instant.

The On the Wings of Love star has a knack for photography, and we’re particularly in love with her food snapshots. Just take a look at these two breakfast photos–they’re enough to make you whip up a hearty meal before leaving for work:

Whats for breakfast?

pasta and bread

nadine having breakfast

Can we have this sumptuous meal for lunch, please?

Shirataki noodles and Shirataki rice

Who says salads should look boring?

See Also
PHx Fashion Group co-founders Esme Palaganas, Trickie Lopa, and Seph Bagasao

lunch set up

Tuna + Avocado

Don’t forget to make time for snack breaks later!

meal set up

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