A girl who lives and breathes writing, magazines, music, literature…
In this day and age, when self-esteem is measured by the number of likes you get on your selfie, loving yourself can feel more like a challenge. Social media can get the best of us, so bust out those measurements or standards of liking oneself and learn how to truly fall in love–with yourself, no less. Here are five things you can do to truly love yourself:

1. Stop body-shaming.
So what if you’re a bit chubby or have huge arms? We all have our flaws, each making us unique. Accept your body instead of trying to conceal these flaws. Do’t let other people dictate how you should look and feel about yourself.

2. Set your goals straight.
With goals, we mean in every aspect of your life: family, fitness, career, etc. The list goes on. When you have these goals, you’re more likely to know yourself better and in the process, love yourself better.

3. Have a positive mindset.
Being an optimist makes you feel better about yourself, your life, and the world. It all starts with how you view things. Don’t you find positivity pleasant and attractive?

4. Appreciate what you have.
You’re an awesome mix of talent, skills, and beauty, and you’re surrounded by people who love you. Try to greet each day with gratitude and count your blessings instead of focusing on things you don’t have.

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A girl who lives and breathes writing, magazines, music, literature and sweets. A follower not of the rules, but of her heart. Instagram: @marielabanes