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This Hipster Barbie Doll Is Living the Life You Want

This Hipster Barbie Doll Is Living the Life You Want

Okay, we have to admit, we stalk some people on Instagram to take a peek at the fab lives some people live. You know, those who seem to start the day with a cup of joe topped off with cute latte art, those who get to travel to glamorous places, and those who always seem to have the best outfits for any occasion.

Well, one girl seemed to have nailed the art of Insta-sharing–and you might even know her.

Socality Barbie‘s Instagram account is filled with drool-worthy photos that capture the good life that we all aspire for, and good old Barbie is right smack in the center of it. It’s an interesting parody of every hipster girl’s aspirations, perfectly documented in filters. The account (the owner remains anonymous at the moment) seems to be fairly new; it has 112 photos to date, but it has gotten much traction. Socality Barbie currently has 140,000 followers–and given the lovely photos and the attention it has been getting, we’re sure it will get more.

Here are snippets from the account:

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Featured Image courtesy of Sociality Barbie’s Instagram account

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