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10 Things Every Pinay Should Know about Lipsticks

10 Things Every Pinay Should Know about Lipsticks

What are the best lipstick shades for Filpinas? How do I know which lip color suits me best? Can I pull off Kath Bernardo’s lovely shade in this Instagram photo?

Navigating lipstick territory can be scary for a lot of us, with the plethora of lipstick kinds and shades out there in the market. So, we couldn’t be happier when the recent BDJ Box Beauty Social made things clear and simple for us. Entitled, “Global Glam,” the Beauty Social gave the lowdown on how we Pinays can look fab through a series of talks. One of which was a lipstick 101 session with Covergirl’s Nikita Conwi, who addressed all our lipstick concerns. Here are 10 things every Pinay should know about lipsticks:

1. Don’t be afraid to try creamy lippies

“When it comes to creamy lipstick, it’s kinda light, but when light bounces off it, your lips will appear bigger and fuller. Creamy lipstick and lip gloss will actually help you achieve this look. Light colors make your lips fuller,” Nikita shares.

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2. Girls with full lips, better take note of this:

“Girls with full lips can wear anything: creamy or matte colors,” Nikita reveals. “But the problem is, if you always use matte lipsticks but you have dry lips, you’re prone to chapping.”

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3. Never underestimate the importance of proper hydration

Water prevents chapped lips, so make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water every day. “It’s good for your skin, and it’s good for your lips,” Nikita says.

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4. Go for shea butter

“Shea butter will help moisturize your lips. At night, you can put shea scrub and exfoliate your lips, then put your lip balm afterward,” says Nikita. You’ll have moisturized lips all throughout the night while you sleep, and they won’t be as dry when you wake up the following morning.

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5. On choosing the shade that suits you best

“Go for color that are two tones darker or two tones lighter than your skin. The darker the skin tone, the darker the lip shade. Why? You’d look washed out if you go for lighter shades.”

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6. Guy-approved lipcolors

Going out on a date? “Apparently, guys look at girls five seconds longer if girls are wearing red lipstick. But, if your guy is Filipino, he will most likely go for lighter shades,” Nikita reveals.

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7. Crazy for reds

“Red lipstick shouldn’t be too warm or too light. Too warm means it’s borderline coral or orange. Too light reds look bluish, and they make you look washed out.”

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8. Pretty in pink

“For pinks, the technique is to smile and to check if the color should be near the color of your gums para hindi masyadong bright,” Nikita advises. Super bright pink lipsticks make your teeth look yellow, so it’s better if you go for the correct shade to avoid this.

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9. Everyday nudes

“For nudes, it’s basically the same rule: it has to be two tones darker or two tones lighter. And they shouldn’t be the same color as your skin so your lips will stand out. They’re perfect for everyday wear.”

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10. Plum it up

Plum lippies make the teeth whiter, and they’re perfect for parties, says Nikita. Try this as an alternative to your favorite red lipstick when you’re out with your friends.

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Featured Image from Kathryn Bernardo’s Instagram account

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