Nica loves books, writing, and photography. She likes to discover…
Romantic films, TV shows and stories taught us to believe in the power of true love. This kind of love is believed to be promising, powerful and well, expected to last forever. Thus, most single people think negatively toward singlehood.

Though it isn’t bad to hope for a significant other, it doesn’t mean that one should desperately rush into a romantic relationship. Remember that singlehood is a time for freedom and self-discovery, so it’s definitely not something to feel bad about. Here are five things single Pinays should stop saying to themselves:

1. “I’m never going to find love.”
Whether you’ve had your heart broken a hundred times or you’ve been a member of the no-boyfriend-since-birth club since forever, don’t think about being the last in the race. Life’s isn’t a race. This is not a competition and getting into a relationship isn’t a trophy nor a prize. After all, love takes time.
Don’t desperately look nor search for love and compromise yourself in the process. Just enjoy the ride. Besides, they say that love happens when you at least expect it.

2. “There’s something wrong with me.”
Single people should stop comparing themselves with those romantically attached. They’re not perfect and so are you. Although you have flaws and shortcomings, these shouldn’t justify why you’re still single. Never let your mistakes determine who you are.

3. “I should settle.”
Settling is the ugliest thing that a single person can think about. It’s also a depressing way to get into a relationship. Don’t settle for less than what you truly deserve and want. You need someone who will love you for who you are and will treat you properly. Always remember your worth. Never, ever think that any relationship is better than having none.

4. “Singlehood means loneliness.”
Relationships aren’t the be-all and end-all of life. Singlehood does not equate to misery. Sometimes, single people are even the ones who make the most out of life. They’ve learned to take risks, become more goal-oriented, and improve themselves.
Feeling alone these past days? Maybe you just need to take some time out. Go on a trip, hang out with friends, or do something you’ve always wanted to try. You’re single and you’re free to do anything!

5. “Maybe I should change myself to find love.”
You don’t need to change yourself so that people will be attracted to you. Remember that love is built on acceptance, patience, and trust. A person who will truly love you is the one who will accept you as you are.

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Nica loves books, writing, and photography. She likes to discover new dishes, places and try a lot of things. She dreams of having her own business but her grandest dream is to travel the world.