Isabelle Sierra is a small lady working in a big…
There are two kinds of people: those who like cats, and those who don’t. The anti-cat team says cats are smelly and unaffectionate. They’re lazy and form no real connections with their humans. The cat ladies’ side say you’re just not taking care of your pets the right way. I happen to think they make awesome pets. Here are 15 reasons why.

1. They help you relieve stress.
Who wouldn’t forget their worries if a cat were to nuzzle you the way this one is doing with this baby? What bills? What deadlines? Let me just cuddle up with my cat for a bit.

2. They’re polite
Look at this adorable Scottish Fold here, taking time out of his busy day to put some fluffy items away in a drawer. Now if humans could be more like cats…

3. They make you laugh.
Seriously, what’s happening here? I don’t care anymore, but just look at that cat. Is it sorcery? Or is it just the cat being its normal funny self? There’s a reason why Lolcats is a thing, you know.

4. And make you go “aawwwww!”
Look at these kittens. Kissing. Each. Other. I can’t tell if they’re adoring siblings or if they just felt like they found the love of their life.

5. They’re good at giving massages.
Cats make the best pets because they give massages…to their fellow cats. But hey, if you’re taking care of your cat well, maybe she’ll grant you a bit of her paw-werful massage, too.

6. They can be friends with other types of pets.
Look at these two. Cats are known for being friendly toward dogs, pigs, lizards, and even mice. They get along with everyone, provided you make the introductions and manage your menagerie properly.

7. They help you study.
Wouldn’t you feel all inspired if a furry ball were to cuddle up to you while you gear up for that exam? Let your cat’s purring calm your stressed body and mind and help you ace that test.

8.They help you work out—kind of.
Contrary to their reputation as seriously lazy animals, cats like being active, too. Look at this little baby stretch and purr. Follow their lead, and you have an instant exercise buddy.

9. They teach you to be more curious.
Cats are curious animals. They like to wander around, explore, and learn. Sometimes, they also like to pretend they can read.

10. …And be more affectionate.
To anyone who’s saying their cats are emotionless freeloaders who just lie around and couldn’t care less about you, you’re not looking after your cat as you should be. Look at this cutie asking his human for attention and love. Show your cat love, and he or she will return the favor twice over.

11. …And talented.
Who said cats can’t play the guitar? They are talented creatures, too. But, seriously, because they help you relax your mind, you might find that having a cat around gets those creative juices flowing.

12. …And healthier.
And then look at this ball of fur here chomping on a slice of watermelon. If this doesn’t inspire you to drop the carbs and pick up that fruit, something is wrong with you.

13. And cooler.
Cats are just balls of sass wrapped in skin and fur. Learn a trick or two from your cats and embrace your inner kitty cat. You might just find yourself feeling more confident, and therefore stronger and sexier.

14. They make you a better pet owner.
Again, cats like being treated well. So they teach you how to treat them well. Tickle them, pet them, brush their pretty fur. They reward you with their touching purr.

15. They’re literally a ball of cuteness and fluffyness and happiness!
This is the happiest cat in the world. No question.

Cats will cheer you up to no end, from their pink noses and paws to their crazy antics and cuddling demands. If these reason aren’t enough to make you want to get a cat, I don’t know what else it is you’re looking for in a pet.
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Isabelle Sierra is a small lady working in a big city. She likes making references to popular culture, cutting her own hair and dreaming about alternate universes.