Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines…
When you’re making decisions about your field of study or specialization as well as what jobs to apply for and accept, there is so much to consider. Choosing a career is a big commitment, and if you don’t get it right the first time, it can have a negative impact on you later in life. So what do you do? Do you follow your dreams and strive to become an artist like you’ve wanted to be since you were eight years old and first applied paint to a canvas? Or do you put aside your passion and instead work towards a career as a lawyer, one that will grant you security, prestige, and high paychecks?
Well, while never easy, it is possible to have it all! It will take a lot of work and many compromises, but every woman has the right to get the most out of her career. Here are a few tips to getting not just the paycheck you want, but a career you can be passionate about:
1. Consider your goals.

A huge factor that you need to consider in this decision is what your main goals in life are. Did you grow up in a wealthy household, used to getting what you want with money being no obstacle? Are you used to a certain style of living, with expensive cable and internet bills, fancy dishes, mani-pedis every week, and Egyptian cotton sheets? There’s nothing wrong with that, what girl doesn’t love to spoil herself now and then? But, of course, this kind of lifestyle does not come cheap, and once you’re out on your own in the big, wide world you will need to figure out how important material things really are to you. And if your family was not so fortunate growing up, and you want to help your parents put some of your younger siblings through school, that needs t be a factor also.
2. Consider your family.

Even if you weren’t born into a wealthy family, it may be your goal to one day have a high-paying job so that you can give your family what you never had. It’s a pretty natural thing to feel—we all want to take care of the people we love. In this case, you need to think about certain things. For example, is your future family’s potential material happiness worth being stuck in a boring, lifeless career that makes you hate getting up and going to work every day? It’s okay to be a little bit selfish—your happiness matters too. Remember this, also: Happiness is not solely achieved by having a lot of money. It’s just as likely that your family would rather see you happy, coming home from work every day satisfied with what you have accomplished. Riches can be measured in more than just dollars.
[crp]3. Consider the economy.

Another thing that might impact your decision is the economy. Sometimes a career path that requires several years studying might not have a lot of opportunities for you in the real world. There are so many people who need employment and only so many jobs out there, so it may be beneficial when making your decision to research what the best jobs with the highest amount of hiring opportunities are in your area. And perhaps from this, you will find a choice that both guarantees you a good career opportunity and that you can still be passionate about. For example, maybe you have always been very passionate about animals and wanted to own your own zoo. If you have the means to do so, by all, means, do it! But maybe instead you could consider a career in veterinary medicine or working for an animal rescue center. You still get to interact with animals, there’s potential for good pay and rising in the ranks, and it’s a lot more in demand than zookeepers.
4. Find the balance that works for you.

It really boils down to this: Is being stuck in a job where you just count the hours until it’s time to leave worth the heavy paychecks? Is a dead end job that’s going nowhere and slowly, but pays better than a job that may make you more passionate about waking up for work in the mornings? You can have both passion and money in the workplace, but you have to find a balance, and you have to make sacrifices. It comes down to being a very individual and personal matter, and only you can know what will make you happy in the long run.
A perfect balance for you can be found—you don’t have to choose between your heart and your head! Avoid setting your heart on one specific dream job, and be open to other careers in similar branches of work, and you might just come across the perfect opportunity that allows you to have the luxurious lifestyle you deserve while still being satisfied with your accomplishments. If it just so happens that your dream career is also a high-paying one, then do it! Go for the gold! Even though it may take a lot of work, time, and studying to get there, you’ll be ending up with the best of both worlds and your effort will surely pay off.
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Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines to be with her husband, David Christopher Hizon, who also happens to be her photographer for most of her writing endeavors. A gamer, a bookworm, an animal lover and a self-proclaimed foodie, she is passionate about everything that she does and hopes that will come across in her writing. Follow her at &