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Fete de la Musique 2019: 3 Major Events, 50 Pocket Stages, 7 Cities

Fete de la Musique 2019: 3 Major Events, 50 Pocket Stages, 7 Cities

From Fete 2018, France’s Lady’s Symphony performs for the Intramuros crowd
Image from Fete de la Musique Facebook page

If, according to one poet, music can soothe the savage beast, then this year’s edition of “Fete De La Musique” has much savagery to tame indeed.

Now on its 25th year in the Philippines, the worldwide phenomenon that started in Paris in 1982 is back again with an ambitious line up that laughs in the face of the phrase: you can’t please everyone.

Music for Everyone

Quest and Fatima Loo with the #MUSICHEALS participant at the Virlanie Foundation
Photo by Yna Patriarca from the Fete de la Musique Facebook page

Along with a dizzying array of performances characteristic of past events, this year, the organizer’s launched a new annual tradition with “Music Heals,” which is a Fete De La Musique pop-up at the Virlanie Foundation. Virlanie is a nonprofit and nonsectarian organization that provides assistance to marginalized children and communities in the Philippines. Together with nurse-rapper Fatima Palma-Loo and other artists, the event provided much hope and inspiration to the children of Virlanie. A testament to the healing power of music.

Starting on June 21 (updated due to Makati’s founding anniversary celebration), expect the country to erupt in music from the best musicians the local scene has to offer. With several main stages spread across Manila and six other cities all over the country, along with 50 pocket stages hosting a staggering choice of music genres, Fete De la Musique has never been truer to its founding vision of “music everywhere and the concert nowhere.”

From the most seasoned, sought after musicians to up-and-coming budding artists, there’s something for every music fan looking to quell or entertain the savage beast within. If you still can’t find anything to your liking from the impressive line-up then, you’re just not trying hard enough.

Because the Best Things in Life are Free

Who wouldn’t jump for joy when face-melting entertainment is free?
Image from Fete de la Musique Facebook page

But really, why brave the traffic and crowds to participate?

Three reasons, one, all live performances will be free. Second, it’s free. Third, did I mention it’s free?

This will also be one of few, perhaps rare, opportunities to discover new ways to experience sound and music.  Apart from the usual musical genres, there will also be two spoken word stages, a ukelele stage, and a zodiac stage, where your star sign will reveal what your heart musically desires.

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woman splashing ocean water

Other not to be missed shows include a special all-female, all-French Filipino medley on June 29 at the Intramuros main stage led by Pinay musician Radha in collaboration with Vanessa Monot, Fatima Palma-Loo, and more.

With 2019 being a milestone year for Fete, they are also giving one lucky Fete De la Musique fan a chance to win  round trip tickets to France. You only need to get creative with a 25 second video of your Fete De la Musique experience and enter your story through the #Fetestories social media contest.

To know more about this year’s celebration and line-up of activities, download the FetePH mobile app or visit

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