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Watch: Americans React to AlDub

Watch: Americans React to AlDub

So, AlDub has taken over our hearts and over the Internet: first by breaking Twitter, and now, by breaking YouTube.

Screencap from Eat Bulagacourtesy of TAPE Productions and GMA network
Screencap from Eat Bulaga courtesy of TAPE Productions and GMA network

Check out the video from Buzzfeed Blue, as Americans watch Alden Richards and Yaya Dub play out their romance over dubsmash and wait for tamang panahon:

Okay, given that the viewers don’t have any idea what Eat Bulaga is (which they kept calling, “Eat Beluga”), they had to navigate through the video and try to decipher what was happening.

“What’s a papabebe?” was a recurring question, although we do agree with the girls who said that Alden Richards is “cute” and even “hella hot.”

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One guy nailed it when he said, “I get it. We’re watching an unlikely couple go through the early stages of romance–that awkward phase, where it goes like, ‘How do I communicate? Should I text? No, wait, I’ll send her a dubsmash.’ Say goodbye to your Desperate Housewives, your Parks and RecreationEat Beluga [sic] is coming to the States.”

What do you think of their reactions, Modern Filipinas?

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