Dyan is a 25-year-old writer with a sense of humor…
The zipper on your skirt refuses to budge, and you’re stuck in the restroom—in the middle of a hot date. You discover a run in your pantyhose just before an important meeting with the boss. Your bra straps are falling off and refuse to sit on your shoulders, and you have a job interview in a few minutes. You get the picture. These uncompromising “glitches” happen to everyone. In fact, even the most au fait fashionista can’t always be prepared for an unexpected fashion emergency. No one carries around a sewing kit in their purse, after all. (Or do you?)

Luckily for you, we have rounded up a solution for whatever style snarl you’re stuck in, so keep reading for some quick fixes that’ll help you avert a sticky style situation.
Emergency Situation #1: You Spilled Red Wine on Your Dress at a Dinner Date

Nothing can be more embarrassing than spilling red wine on yourself during a date. Use a clean table napkin or tissue to dab and absorb the excess liquid (careful not to rub, as this will only set the stain). Ask the waiter for some salt, sprinkle it all over the stain, and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse and repeat until the stain disappears.
No salt? You can still remove the stain using more wine. Yes, we did say more wine! Rubbing white wine gently over red may remove the stain. Use gentle strokes and a soft tissue, or you’ll ruin the outfit.
Emergency Situation #2: Your Bra Straps Keep Sliding Off Your Shoulders

Have you ever been in the middle of something important when suddenly your bra strap slips down off your shoulder? We’ve all tried a public strap adjustment, and we’ve all failed—it just keeps slipping down again and again. So here’s what you should do: get double-sided tape to secure those wandering straps quickly. Or excuse yourself and go the restroom then use safety pins to tighten the ties.
Emergency Situation #3: Your Skirt’s Hem Has Lost Some Stitches

If your hem has come undone during a party, use pieces of masking tape or duct tape (not regular clear tape) to fix it. Lighting professionals and even musicians at events typically use tape for their equipment, so finding some shouldn’t be too hard. If you’re at work and your hem has lost some stitches just before an important meeting with your boss, grab a stapler and staple your hem into place. Make sure the hooked ends of the staples are on the outside so your quick fix is less noticeable.
[crp]Emergency Situation #4: There’s a Run in Your Pantyhose

Any girl who has ever worn pantyhose has experienced the dreaded run. Rips and tears on jeans may be the trend these days, but that doesn’t make an accidental run on your pantyhose any more chic. Stop it before the tiny little run develops into a full-fledged gaping tear. Use clear nail polish to stop the run right in its tracks. Dab it around the hole or both ends of the run. Hairspray can work wonders, too.
Emergency Situation #5: Your Zipper Is Stuck

So you are going to a party tonight and your zipper refuses to budge. The best way to fix the problem? Get your hands on a bar of soap or candle wax and rub it onto the zipper teeth. If this doesn’t work, look for a graphite pencil and rub it on the problem area. Start with the zipper all the way up and slowly rub the soap, wax, or pencil onto the teeth. Then inch the zipper down, reapply, and continue doing that until the zipper goes all the way down.
Emergency Situation #6: Your Nipples Are Visible Through Your Clothes

So the AC is on full blast at the office, and now you have embarrassing headlights. Tear up a piece of tissue into small squares and stuff these into your bra and directly over your nipples. Those “nipple guards” will help keep the puppies out of sight.
Emergency Situation #7: Your Go-To Pair of Shoes for the Office Gets Scuffed Up

If there are only a few minor scuffs, there’s no need to replace a perfectly good pair of shoes. If your pair is leather, use toothpaste to scrub away the scuffs. Patent shoes will also shine like new with petroleum jelly. Suede pairs, on the other hand, will be good as new after you’ve rubbed them with an eraser.
We’ve all been there—and it’s possible that you’ll experience these style nightmares for the second time. With a bit of luck, these solutions will never bring you to the fashion ER again.
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Dyan is a 25-year-old writer with a sense of humor of a prepubescent male. On weekends, she hibernates.