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Makeup 101: 6 Everyday Makeup Bag Essentials Every Woman Needs to Survive

Makeup 101: 6 Everyday Makeup Bag Essentials Every Woman Needs to Survive

Makeup 101: 6 Everyday Makeup Bag Essentials Every Woman Needs to Survive

There comes a point in every woman’s life where she will be in desperate need of an everyday makeup kit. Whether it’s for a job interview, lunch out with friends or if your titas are simply insisting that you need to dress up more; there’s something about walking into a room with longer lashes and brighter lips that will make you feel more confident and even a bit sexier.

For first-timers to the wonderful world of makeup, it can be a bit daunting to walk into SM and get hounded by salesladies, though. So, before you go too crazy, here are some essentials that you simply must have in your startup beauty kit!

Photo by SkinCareHi

Moisturizer/ Primer/ Facial Mist

Make sure you add these products to your daily facial wash routine. If your skin is moisturised, your makeup will have an easier time adhering to your face. It will also give your face a layer of softness and will make it easier for you to wipe the makeup right off afterwards, as well!



Although some women consider this to be the scariest thing in their bags, you need to remember that foundation is your friend! Once you’ve found a color that perfectly matches your skin tone, just a light layer of it can instantly cover up even the tiniest flaws on your face and even out your skin in an instant. BB Creams would be a good place to start if foundation still seems daunting to you. Concealers, on the other hand, are good to hide eye bags and small blemishes, and you can use it with or without foundation.

Bonus Tip: Dab a dot of foundation on your forehead, the tip of your nose, the apples of your cheeks and your chin. Then, use a foundation brush or your fingers to blend.

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Face Powder

It’s not uncommon to see people walking around with espasol-white faces. This is usually because of a misuse of their compact powder. Finishing powder is like a sealant, keeping the makeup on your face while reducing shine. A light layer is more than enough – remember that.

Lip Tint

What? No lipstick? No lip gloss? That’s right! Since we are talking about a basic makeup kit here, I would recommend adding lip tint into it instead of lipstick. The color of lip tint tends to stay on almost the entire day, and just a sweep or two is more than enough!

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to use lip balm before adding on your lip color! Top with gloss if desired.

Photo by Isabel’s Beauty Blog

Mascara and/or Eyeliner

Here’s a general rule for everyday makeup: if you’re wearing mascara, don’t wear eyeliner to avoid looking too heavily made up. If you’re wearing eyeliner, the opposite applies. Choose whichever you feel more comfortable wearing on a day to day basis. Mascara is my personal go-to option, though.

Bonus Tip: When wearing heavy eyeliner, use a more neutral lip color to keep the main focus on your eyes. Red lips and a bit of mascara would be an instant winning combo.


A splash or two of your favorite scent can change your entire mood. Get a small bottle that will fit perfectly into your makeup bag and spritz liberally.

Last but not least, don’t forget to go out with a winning smile. You never know who will fall in love with it! 😉

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