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How to Look Fab after a Breakup

How to Look Fab after a Breakup

It has been a sad week for all of us, with news of Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani splitting up, which was immediately followed by Miss Piggy and Kermit’s shocking breakup.

Breakups could be tough, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to bounce back from them. Of course, you need time to grieve and process your feelings, but you don’t have to be stuck in the ugly cry phase forever. And what better way to show the world you’re over your ex by looking absolutely gorgeous? A bigger incentive? Accidentally bumping into him and making him realize just how awesome you are. Here’s what you should wear for that occasion.

Screencap from The Devil Wears Prada courtesy of Warner Bros. F.E.
Screencap from The Devil Wears Prada courtesy of Warner Bros. F.E.

1. Wear red lipstick.
Nothing exudes confidence more than a bold hue on your puckers. Cherry and cranberry hues work well with fair complexions, while orange-reds and tangerines look well with morenas.

GIF from Giphy
GIF from Giphy

2. Go for a statement piece.
This is your time to re-invent yourself and try something new. You could go for something as subtle as an eye-catching necklace, or you could take the opportunity to experiment. Never tried a crop top before? Pair it with palazzo pants or a maxi skirt. Ever played with the idea of wearing knee-high boots with a mini skirt? Now’s the time to try it out.

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GIF from Giphy
GIF from Giphy

3. Take the feminine route.
You’ve been mourning for quite now, and a change of pace could help you out of your doldrums. Trade your sweat pants for skirts and florals and try lace or chiffon pieces for an effortlessly feminine look.

GIF from Giphy
GIF from Giphy

4. Try a new trend.
Your ex was used to seeing you wear your trademark look, so trying out a new trend is a great way to let him know that you’ve already moved on. Just imagine you ex-boyfriend’s look of surprise when he sees the new and improved you–and rocking a new style to boot.

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GIF from Giphy
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