Dark chocolate, dogs, and adventure are just some of Mel's…
The Go Girl Expo, the first event of its kind with a goal of empowering healthy and active Filipinas, will be held on May 30 to 31, 2015, at the Rockwell Tent. The event is unique because, aside from inspiring women to adopt healthier lifestyles, it also supports nation-building.
Jump Start, Fondo Manila, and Yabang Pinoy are bringing together the Go Girl! Expo to promote a holistic approach to health, life, and fitness for modern Filipinas. According to them, a Go Girl! is a “well-rounded Filipina who balances life, work, play, adventure, sports, and more importantly—knows how to have fun.” During their launch of the event last May 14, we met several of the Go Girl! ambassadors—real women who have shown what it’s like to have this kind of lifestyle. Here are snippets from their lives, as well as advice they gave during the launch:
Ruby Gan is an entrepreneur, a wife, a mother of two boys, and a weightlifter and runner. But her goal as a Go Girl! ambassador is to encourage, not intimidate. “I’m just challenging myself,” she says. She believes that women should be empowered. “It’s important to be active, especially as a mom and housewife. It’s your time for yourself. If you find fulfillment in it—and endorphins—you will be a happier mom and wife.”
Clang Salindong, on the other hand, is a full-time fitness instructor and personal trainer who teaches yoga, kickboxing, and Zumba, among others. She says that to find time for herself, she makes time. “Sit down, plan your day,” she said. “Always prepare your outfit for the next day. I really plan or else I’ll just go on Facebook and talk to friends and sleep. I also take care of myself and have weekly massages.” Cla is an advocate of health and wellness, and she eats as healthy as possible.
Bea Ascuna works for the Philippine Supreme Court and is a marathoner, triathlete, and animal rights advocate. She works out because she likes it and does exercises at night to exercise her core. She also sleeps early—10PM—and has even given up her social life. “Weekends are for training,” says this marathon runner. She shares that she started just like any other beginner, and she couldn’t even run three kilometers when she first tried it. After she ran her first marathon, she got addicted. She also does it to lose weight, and now, she said she does activities better due to her running.

Althelier Alanza is the youngest ambassador; she is still attending college, this time for a second degree. This multitalented gal is great at graphics, videos, and music, aside from being a first dan black belter in taekwondo. She says that the youth can be helped by their parents in achieving drive and that her parents have themselves been an example of this, having enrolled her in sports programs when she was young.
Vanj Andaya handles Hamilo Coast and is a controller of the SM Property Group. This career woman has a daughter whom she loves traveling with. The Go Girl! ambassador and triathlete looks very youthful at 42 years old. She said that it’s due to lots of sleep when she isn’t working or training. Vanj wakes up at 4AM for training and makes sure that she’s already in bed by 9 or 10PM. She also makes sure she has lots of sunblock on when she is out for triathlon. Her daily supplements also include calcium, vitamin C, and fish oil.
Marga Marty, on the other hand, shares that she was “morbidly obese,” before at 230 lbs. But now, she is into running, having completed her first 21K run. “When you finish, you can’t imagine not doing it,” she says. It was her 40th birthday gift to herself. If you can’t find passion in running, she points out that there are other activities, like yoga, pilates, etc., to choose from. Marga says she is a work in progress and doesn’t want to stop. It might have taken her four years, but she’s eating what she wants and is happy.
PR girl Jieneb Kho shares that with all the things that she juggles—her job, the gym (where she is very much into circuit training), as well as her friends and family—she has to set her priorities. She says that meeting new people and maintaining relationships to bolster her professional network keep her busy.
Get to know these ladies more at the expo. All of the Go Girl! ambassadors will also be there to share their stories, including their success and struggles, their journeys, and how they are able to lead an active lifestyle. Products and services for the active Filipina will also be on sale.
The Go Girl! Expo will be at the Rockwell Tent on May 30-31, 2015. Visit them on social media for more details: https://www.facebook.com/gogirlph/ and https://instagram.com/gogirlph/. You can also check out the poster below.
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Dark chocolate, dogs, and adventure are just some of Mel's passions. Aside from doing her best to live life to the full, she plans on writing her own fiction one day.