Web content writer. Mother to a cat named Fatty and…

In life, there are many things we can do last minute, but planning for Valentine’s day is not one of them. From your gift to the details of your date, there are so many things to think about to ensure that everything goes like the stuff of dreams.
The additional challenge this year is that Valentine’s has fallen on a Wednesday. So, you either have to endure traffic and fight with people for a romantic date on a work night or celebrate Valentine’s on a payday weekend with families going about.
If I further have to spell it out why you need to plan early, here are three reasons:

Like entering the convent, Valentine’s needs discernment

Seriously. Valentine’s requires a lot of decisions – and even more research.
There are so many questions to answer. Should you go on a trip or stay where you are? Should you eat out, order in, or prepare a romantic dinner? Should you buy a gift, pay for a custom-made gift or go DIY? There are so many things you can do and if you try to cram, you just might end up with a major headache.
You also have to do a lot of research. You’re likely to find yourself Googling stuff like “best restaurants in Katipunan” then sifting through a lot of crappy articles and obsolete contact information.
And if you already have kids, the Valentine’s challenge gets exponentially more difficult. If you decide to leave the kids with a sitter, you have to find someone who’s willing to spend heart’s day with your kids. If you decide to take the kids with you, you have to think of the things they’d need.

‘Cause it’s less dyahe; still dyahe but significantly less
Saying that Valentine’s is a logistical nightmare is an understatement. Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, if you don’t buy tickets or book restaurants quickly, you might have to change plans. Aside from handling the disappointment, you have to go back to step 1: Googling and deciding on what to do. Do you really want to go through that again?
If you’re buying tickets or booking hotels, you’re lucky ‘cause you can pay with plastic. But if you’re booking a restaurant, a lot of establishments oddly still do not have this payment option requiring you to go to the bank and make a down payment.

It’s cheaper to prepare early

Valentine’s is like Christmas when it’s cheaper to book flights and prepare gifts months ahead. For trips that require flights, for example, taking advantage of seat sales allows you to significantly cut your airfare.
As for gifts, you can save a lot and make something more meaningful if you go DIY. You can revive the art of making love letters or make artwork inspired by your S.O. You can even order flowers months ahead. There are flower shops like La Rosa and Flowers Express that accept orders as early as November.
The best thing about preparing early is that you don’t have to race with anyone for anything.
But since it’s already January, keep your eyes peeled for sales online and in your S.O.’S favorite shops. If you still want to have a trip and want something less pricey, consider road trips instead.
I only want to say one thing: start planning NOW. And if you need a few suggestions on what to do, click on the hyperlinked text and you’ll find my recommendations.
That’s it for now. Good luck lover boys and girls! May the odds be ever in your favor.
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Web content writer. Mother to a cat named Fatty and a basil named Herby. Dreams of going off the grid and running an animal shelter with her wife.