Justine is a Slytherin who loves cosplay, horror fiction, and…

Almost one year and two jobs later, I’ve been stripped of the right to call myself a fresh grad. It’s not that I miss being young (says the 21-year-old), but every now and then I like to think of what I wish I knew or did differently. On my first job, I accepted the first offer I got without thinking it through; three months later, I was working the night shift and adjusting subtitles for Australian TV shows, wondering how I ended up there.
Apart from learning how to read job descriptions more carefully, I learned a skill that all fresh grads should know: understanding the processes and pre-employment requirements you need before you can start earning. The requirements may seem confusing to a newcomer, but here are the basic requirements you will need, where to get them, and the processes to expect.
Birth Certificate
Why: You will need a copy of your birth certificate and its receipt as proof of your citizenship.
How: Head to your nearest Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Serbilis Center with one valid ID. Fill out a form, pay the fee, and then wait for about one to two hours.
Another option is to have it delivered. Fill out the online application form, pay via credit card or bank deposit, and wait for three to 13 working days. It takes longer, but if you don’t like waiting in long lines, this is the convenient choice.
How Much? Php155 when you get it from a Sebilis Center; Php330 for delivery.
Transcript of Records / Diploma
Why: Your diploma is proof that you graduated the educational level stated in your résumé.
How: Get your transcript of records (TOR) or diploma from the last school you attended. Your school will give you your diploma after graduation, but you may have to request a copy of your TOR.
How Much? The costs depend on your school.
NBI Clearance
Why: This is clearance from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), verifying that you have no criminal record.
How: Before going to any NBI branch, register online. Fill in your information and select the branch, date, time, and mode of payment. Bring two valid IDs, have your photo taken and fingerprints scanned. If you have the same name as another person, you may have to return the next day for it.
How Much: Php130, but there may be extra charges depending on which mode of payment you choose.
Why: The Unified Multi-Purpose ID (UMID) now serves as an ID for your Social Security System (SSS), GSIS, Pag-IBIG, and PhilHealth. Part of your salary goes to these organizations (except for GSIS unless you’re a government or contractual employee) as your required contribution.
How: Apply for these offices online or in their respective branches. To get a UMID, go to your nearest SSS branch. Bring a valid ID, fill out a form, and submit to a biometric scan. You will receive your ID within one to three months.
How Much? Free (for first-time applicants; corresponding fees apply for lost or replacement IDs)
Why: Before you can start working, you need a Tax Identification Number (TIN) where your taxes will go.
How: Apply for a TIN online or in one of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)’s branches. Fill out the BIR Form 1902 and bring one valid ID. If you applied online or your branch does not provide TIN IDs, a photocopy of your 1902 will do.
How Much? Free
Valid IDs
Sometimes, applying for a valid ID means providing two valid IDs, and to get those valid IDs, you need another ID. Your school ID is no longer valid when you graduate, and your alumni ID only counts as a secondary ID, which some offices do not accept or they may need a second ID to verify.
Here is a list of primary and secondary IDs you might need to furnish. Government offices and banks may not accept some of these, such as credit cards or passbooks. As a fresh grad, your best bet is to get IDs that not only bear your essential details but also your photo and signature.

I recommend getting these requirements before you get a job. Applying for these requirements takes minutes online, but you may need to go to some branches personally if you want to receive the IDs.
Online Application Forms:
Birth Certificate: https://www.psaserbilis.com.ph/Default.aspx
NBI Clearance: https://clearance.nbi.gov.ph/
SSS: https://www.sss.gov.ph/sss/rcsmi/main.html
PhilHealth: https://eregister.philhealth.gov.ph/
Pag-IBIG: https://www.pagibigfundservices.com/pubreg/starter_page.aspx
TIN: https://ereg.bir.gov.ph/ereg/welcome.do
And because these are government offices, most of them operate only on weekdays, making it difficult to go to once you are already working. As a former fresh grad, I promise this will make the job hunting process easier for you.
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Justine is a Slytherin who loves cosplay, horror fiction, and puns. She is the certified favorite human of her dog, Pud.